The Praxis I Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) measures basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. This test, with the Praxis II Exam, is used to qualify candidates for our teacher education programs and licensure.
Why do You Need to Take the Praxis I?
In order to be admitted to UITE's undergraduate teacher education programs, you must take the Praxis I Exam. You will submit your Praxi I scores with your application.
Scores Needed for Applications
Both the Elementary and Secondary Education Programs at the University of Utah require a minimum score of 173 for each section of the Praxis I Exam (section scores range from 150-190). Scores below 173 should be retaken. Scores used for admission purposes must be current within the last 5 years, and turned in at the same time as the application to our teacher education programs.
How to Register for the Praxis I Exam
The Praxis I Exam can be taken in either computer-based or paper-based form.
To Register for the Computer Based Praxis I Exam:
- Call the Prometric Testing Center at 801-581-7310
- Located in the Student Services Building, room 490 (Campus Map).
- The Prometric Testing Center will inform you of available test dates.
- Register online at
- Check the website for available test dates.
Score are retrieved online. You must log on to the ETS website ( to view and print your scores. Score reports are only available for 30 days after they are posted. Please begin checking for your score report 2-3 weeks after you have taken the test. Students are responsible for submitting their Praxis I Exam scores with their application packet.
Study Guides and Practice
Information about the test is available online at Tests at a glance and study guides are found under 'For Test Takers' and 'Prepare for a Test' headings.
- Codes for the computer-based test are 5710, 5720, and 5730.
- Codes for the paper-based test are 0710, 0720. and 0730.