Thursday, September 30, 2010

AmeriCorps Reminder:

AmeriCorps Members,

Please remember to complete the on-line portion of your enrollment as soon as possible.   You only have 30 days to accept before the invitation will expire.  If you are experiencing any problems with the website, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can determine the problem.

Also, when creating a profile for the AmeriCorps website, please follow all of these guidelines when creating a password:
  • Is at least 8 characters in length
  • Contains at least one number but does not begin with a number
  • Does not contain any part of your user name
  • Does not contain any word longer than 3 characters found in the dictionary
If you are experiencing troubles, do not receive the email, can't access the website, or have other questions, please let either myself or Matt ( know.



Background Check and Fingerprinting Instructions

Background Check and Fingerprinting Instructions

A State and Federal Background Check must be completed as required by the Utah State Office of Education. 

Background clearance from other agencies will not be accepted.

Step 1:
·        Got to
·        Select “Background Check” and click on “Start your Background Check”
·        Click “Continue” and select “Initial Licensure”
·        Enter your Social Security Number and Date of Birth.  Click “Continue”
·        Results:
o       If the next screen shows a record of your name or says “All Ready Completed”, please print out that screen to show that you have already cleared with the Utah State Office of Education.
o       If the next screen comes up with “Record Not Found”, click on “Continue” and follow the remaining steps.
·        Create a New Record
·        Important: Please be sure to select the Live Scan process for fingerprinting
·        Select the University of Utah from the “Institution” drop down menu
·        A $69 processing fee is required which may only be paid by credit card
·        Click “Generate Form” to print

Step 2:
·        Take printed form to the Bureau of Criminal Identification (3888 West 5400 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84118) to complete the fingerprinting process
·        An additional charge of $10-15 will be required for Live Scan processing
·        Your receipt may be used as proof of your fingerprinting completion

Background checks are valid for three years.

Background check status will be recorded by the UITE at the University of Utah and instructors in future field-based classes will be made aware of your clearance status so that you do not have to complete the check more than once within a three year period.